Hand Painted Advertisement

Take it to eleven

Take it to eleven
Venice, CA

When 7-Eleven approached us to create an impactful ad campaign in Venice, we knew it had to be something special that spoke to the local vibe. Our team landed on this idea of a large-scale, hand-painted mural that would turn the store itself into a work of street art.

We poured our passion for public art and storytelling into every meticulous brushstroke. The bold colors, clean lines, and geometric patterns came together to create an almost hyper-realistic effect that demands attention.

By thoughtfully integrating 7-Eleven's branding into an authentic Venice aesthetic, we crafted an ad that feels more like urban beautification than a sales pitch. It's all about making meaningful connections between brands and communities.

The final hand-painted mural has become a fixture of the streetscape that gets people talking and interacting with the 7-Eleven brand in a memorable way. We're proud of how our team's skill and artistry transformed a blank wall into a conversation piece.

Let’s do something together, hit us up.