Street-Level Advertising

Born to launch

Born to launch
LA, NYC, SF, DC, Houston, Dallas, Boston

Hoist Media brought Toyota's "Born to Launch" campaign to life with an attention-grabbing combo of beach sand stamps and chalk sidewalk stencils. We placed oversized wooden stamps with cool carved designs along bustling shorelines, while street teams tagged high-traffic walkways with matching temporary chalk art.

By bringing Toyota's branding right to their target audience's favorite hang-out spots, we got them curious about the brand in a natural, memorable way. The "Born to Launch" idea was perfect for the adventurous coastal vibe, positioning Toyota trucks as the ultimate ride for an active lifestyle.

The beach stamps disappeared with the tides and the chalk art eventually washed away, but the novel experience left a lasting impression. Hoist's creative place-based approach let Toyota join the scene authentically without feeling too ad-heavy.

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Meeting people where they're already at with a fun, hands-on campaign showed Toyota really gets their customers and the way they like to spend their time. We like to think that with our mixed medium strategy, sometimes you need to color outside the lines to make a serious splash in experiential marketing.

Let’s do something together, hit us up.